In analysing languages, words and roots, there seem to be not many limits to fantasy. We have supposed that the Hebrew C . C – root “ K . P “ has led to the development of “C . C . C”-roots that express actions of the human hand.
We have found such roots also on the basis of “K . B”, Q . P”, “Q . B”, GH . P and GH . B”.
Of these, “GH . P” can be seen to actually mean “palm of the hand” in the word “ghofen”.The suffix “n” is a usual way of shaping nouns from verbal roots.
One can compare the use of these different initial letters, K, Q an GH, to what happens in the Tuscan pronunciation of the word “casa”(KaSa) in modern Italian : GHasa, with a GH like a well-pronounced mid-eastern Hebrew GHet. This sound is also found in substitution for Dutch “gh” in the west-Flemish dialect of BruGHe (Bruges). In fact one might try to write these two words, the Tuscan one and the name of the Flemish town, and also the Hebrew Ghet, as “HH”, but not even that would be exact. Our about 26 letters are insufficient to express all phonetics.
That we find these different but relatively similar consonants together in shaping roots that mean actions of the human hand, is explained by the simple fact that speaking had preceded writing . So when people, scholars began to apply the new alphabetic symbols to the actual sounds they heard spoken by their fellow-men, the latter did not pronounce everything exactly in one identical way. There were dialects as well as local and personal ways of pronouncing words, just as still exist today. The number of sounds in real speech exceeds considerably the number of ( then or today ) available sound-symbols or letters of the aleph-bet.
We see the third consonant, added to the C . C-roots cited above, mostly in the third position in the newly-shaped root. But also inserted into the middle position. And sometimes the third consonant is placed in the first position, thus preceding the old root. For small statistics of some of our findings see page Table Kaph developments.
The percentages of meanings related ( 65 % ) or also related plus possibly related
( 81 % ) to actions of the human hand in simply extended roots is considerable. This has reinforced our initial ideas about the shaping of roots through extensions in the Hebrew language. In roots shaped by inserting the third consonant between the original ones the percentage is lower, but still too high to be fortuitous : near 45% and 50% . Apparently the most frequently practised system of extending a root in order to create a new, be it linked to the old, meaning has been that of adding a new consonant at the end, in the then third position.
After this still remains the need to investigate into the origin of those roots that look like extended roots from K . P, but have meanings that can not be related to actions of the human hand.
We believe that the abovementioned findings can be useful in further understanding as well some ways in which developments in non-semitic languages may have taken place.
Created: Tuesday 6 November 2007 at 22.30.54 Updated: Thursday 10 January 2013 at 19.39.42 |