The word " chorography " is of Greek origin .
H 0781 ה י ר ק
Concept of root : village
Hebrew word
English meanings
ה י ר ק
small town
Related English words
Comparison between European words and
English meanings
Similarity in roots
ה י ר ק
small town
q . r . y
village, small town
kh . r (y)
quiris, plur.
q . r . t >
q . r (i)
ch . r .
Proto-Semitic *QIRIÀ --- *QUIRI-S Latin
This entry should be seen as related to entry E 0197 (Hebrew 0780). We see there after the basis of "Q R",( that is a K-like-sound and R-sound ) appear a dental that emphasizes the fact that the space, terrain or group of dwellings is protected by a fence or wall. Here, in E 0171 (Hebrew 0781), we see the earlier or different phase, in which a terrain is defined and has a group of dwellings.
Thus we presume that the Hebrew word "qirià" for "village" is related to "qeret" for "town". Their origin should be linked to the concepts of constructing and or organizing the common protection of collective progress, defenses and safe structures. It is less probable that these words are linked to the idea of "meeting" as in Hebrew verb "karà" , because the getting together of people in villages and towns has a permanent character.
- Greek. The wordpart "χωρ , khor" is found in a number of words, that cover the ideas of " space, to make space, defined terrain, to separate, village, protected village ". This is not far from, or better quite comparable to the Hebrew wordpart "qir", that is found in words dealing with "fence, wall, village", and probably related to "qarq’à" , saying "ground, terrain".
The etymology is considered unknown, perhaps on account of a certain mix-up, real or imagined, with a group of words around the verb "khōréo" = "to withdraw, go away" as well as "to proceed", that leaves the picture unclear.
- Latin. The expression " Quirites" for the citizens of Rome" is sufficiently well known . "Quiris" with the genitive "quiritis" should be a noun based on another one without that final T and indicating the origin of their being citizens, briefly "town".
Often one sees different opinions. The word would have come from the name of a Sabinic town, "Cures". The inhabitants of which would have been called "curetes" a word that in some way changed into "quireites". Others say that "quirites" comes from a hypothetical "*co-uirium" standing for "the people of the town together". But this does not explain why the word has a singular form. The similarity with Hebrew, also seen in relation with the previous entry, convinced us of the origin we proposed here above for "quiris" : an inhabitant of our village or town.
- Hebrew. We read and hear names of smaller towns in Israel, that are based on this word "qirià", .like "Qiriyat Arba" and "Qiriyat Shemone". The T we see is not part of the root, but a remainder from an old declension of feminine words. Like Latin and Greek, also Hebrew, but earlier before the Bible texts were shaped, practised declensions of nouns. This T belonged to nouns of the feminine gender, but was abolished a very long time ago. Yet, when the noun is linked to another word, it is still used. Probably the pleasure and ease of pronunciation have made people conserve the antique T as a link.
- Proto-Semitic. We see no basis for a supposition that in Proto-Semitic an Aleph would be found as a vowel stop between the initial Qoph and the following vowel.
We note that Hebrew has two plurals , " qeriyot " and " qariyot " . In singular we see Hebrew "qiryà", Syriac "qerità " , Aramaic "qerià" and Arabic "qarià"as well as "qirià". Ugaritic "qryt-" is instead related to Hebrew "qeret", seen in entry E 0197 (Hebrew 0780).
The conclusion for Proto-Semitic seems to be a root " *ק ר י , Q R Y " . Yet there may have been an earlier root "*ק ר ו , Q R W", with a "waw" and later a "yod" after the "Q", as we see in the Aramaic Judaic word "quriata". This is understandable when we find such U/O sounds and I-sounds also in Indo European, in entries "E 0197 (Hebrew 0780) " and our actual E 0171(Hebrew 0781).
- Indo-European. The Greek basic unit "KHŌR-" and the Latin basic unit "QUĪR-" indicate larger or smaller villages, towns or
rural communities. The Greek word "khōrion" is also related to "khōra" for "land, region, territory", where people live, or the "inhabitants" of the same. Indo-European probably had an initial " K " and a second consonant " R ", but the vowel in between is still uncertain and we remain at the comparison between Semitic and Latin.
Created: Tuesday 6 November 2007 at 22.30.54 Updated: 25/09/2013 at 12.13.48 |